Welcome Hunter, Katelyn & Rachel!

The WAVE Lab is excited to welcome three Purdue undergraduate research assistants for the Spring 2022 semester: Hunter Spalding, Katelyn Wasson, and Rachel Qi. They will play key roles in developing and executing new research projects. Below are short bios for each of these new lab members.

Hunter Spalding is a junior studying Psychological Sciences. He joined WAVE Lab because he wants to get hands-on experience in I-O psychology, as well as apply knowledge from courses and personal interests to the work that he is looking forward to being a part of.

Katelyn Wasson is a sophomore majoring in Applied Statistics and Brain & Behavioral Sciences. She joined the WAVE Lab because she is interested in attending graduate school and wants to learn more about research in the field of I-O psychology.

Rachel Qi is a sophomore majoring in Psychology. She decided to join WAVE Lab because she is interested in I-O psychology and wants to learn about how psychological research is conducted.


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